I believe having a uniform in high school is ridiculous. It is already bad enough we went kinder garden to eight grade wearing uniforms, now you’re trying to make us do it now in high school it’s ridiculous. This is just plain dumb.
I do believe and strongly believe that wearing uniforms now in high school is ridiculous. I believe this because all our lives educators told us to be different, and leaders. Well one way we are different and show our individuality is through our clothing. Not everyone is the same and its interesting seeing people personalities in the clothes they wear.
Taking us and making us all look the same will cause problems. The reason being is us as students we will have to figure out another way to express ourselves. That will force us to act out and probably get us in trouble. We already have a dress code which we don’t particularly agree with, but we compromise just because of the simple fact of getting to wear what we want and look different. What’s the point of uniforms anyway I don’t get it. Maybe it’s your way of controlling us but I really don’t understand. We really don’t get much in high school but this is our one thing we do get and we enjoy it. It makes us feel good about ourselves. It is also cool to see what other people are wearing, and how they wear it. It helps us get along because we will say nice things to each other, like nice shirt or pants and that makes someone feel good all day. One who is shy or quiet and is just all around not confident, this person I guarantee you that they express how they feel about things through the way they dress.
If this is the way administration wants to control us, I really don’t know what to think of that. I just believe it is sad because these people who are our supposedly superior to us can’t even come up with something better to do. I think dress code shouldn’t even matter in schools. A school is for education, and why worry about how people look every day. They should be focusing on fixing our education systems not about what we wear. They should worry about test scores and how to fix that instead of our appearances’. Lastly they should worry about the dropout rates and how to bring them down instead of something as dumb as clothes. We are all becoming young adults and realizing what’s going on around us and should be able to make our own decisions.
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