Today I was asked to write an essay about who I am, what qualities I have, and my purpose of being here. This is a hard one for me, I’ve never really have gotten deep into this subject. As well as not expressed these things to other people. I don’t know if it’s hard for me to open up or what but here it goes. Well I believe I am a person who stands out above the rest. I say that because I’m not a follower but more of a leader. That’s the way I was raised to be. I think my family has a had a big influence on who I am, and who I’m going to become.
I have truly grown since my early years of being in this world. I started my life off good. But as I progressed into middle school, I started to do bad things. I can’t really say why I just did. It was a rough time of my life. If I didn’t have the loving family I do now I don’t know where I’d be. So that was my early years, as of now I think I have a purpose in life. I guess you can say a job to do. I don’t know what it is yet, but I hope it’s something great. Even though I don’t know what my job is to do for this world, I hope it’s something in the medical field.
I believe becoming a paramedic is my calling. I didn’t know this until recently, but my parents said that’s what I used to say I wanted to be when I was young. I always thought as a kid I would say I was going to become an astronaut or something like that. It seems that I was just different. There are people out there who say I can’t do it, I will never amount to anything.
Well you know what that just makes me want to do it more. Just so I can prove them wrong. I like to aspire to greater things then just the average human being. Besides all that I think I have good qualities, some say I do. I have a good heart because I care for others that other people wouldn’t give a dam about. As well as I think there is good in everybody. And sometimes I can see that, even if there doing me bad or wrong. I am a person who is very trustworthy as well. I think I inherited this from my dad. We both believe you’re not a man if you don’t keep your word. Why do people do that? They say one thing and then don’t do it. I say if you make promises or say you’re going to does something then do it. You can help lots of people that way, and I think you will feel better about it and yourself. Well that’s my insight on me and who I am. Those are my characteristics and overall the person who I believe I am at this point in my life.
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