Charlie bugler, murdered June 8, 2010 at approximately 9:30pm. A horrid murder it was, all we know is he was out at a celebration party. He had just become the head executive of his oil drilling company. Poor guy leaving behind a wife and three kids. Well they don’t seem to upset by it, they are a little to happy. Maybe they didn’t like him very much but I find this a little odd. It could be his millions, and his company he is leaving behind to them is why there not that sad. Because they’re set for their lives and won’t have to work a day in them.
Now for the investigation, who did it, why was it done, how was it done, and where. Well as of this point I know none of those things, but I have to start somewhere. So I go and get the list of people at the party. The first on there was his wife Julia, so I contact her for an interview. I go to her house on the day of June 9, 2010 she was there alone. The interview was awkward she was very fidgety, and wouldn’t look up at me. I just asked her simple questions, like did he have any enemies? Or did she know of anyone who might want to commit this crime. She said he was liked by many and really didn’t have any enemies. A few days went by talking to people who just didn’t have any good information. No one seemed to know anything, and I was beginning to give up. Then it happened, I got a call for Julia saying she had some more information. Once again the investigation was back on. When I went to her house and all she had for me was a list of people who were protesters that always disturbed him and tried to get his company shut down.
Boom there it was the lead I just needed to get this investigation going. A few days went on before I got the numbers and addresses for them. I went on interviewing people over and over again. They all had the same story to tell. They all said they never really hated him personally, but they did have a humongous hate for his company and what they were doing. Yes they all protested and what not, but they said none of them could ever think of doing such a heinous crime. A few more months went by and I was giving up all hope of ever solving this crime, I don’t want to let his family down.
Then once again I believed I heard another break through, when I got a hold of the leader of the protesters. And I interviewed her, and wow did she have a lot of hate for the man. She was very different from the other protesters. Not only did she hate his company she truly hated him. The reason for this is because she wants to hold him responsible for all the damages that oil has caused. She even said she imagined and thought about killing him herself. She was glad someone did it before she had to. But she stated that she didn’t do it and she even had an alibi to back her up.
I was in this investigation for about a little over a year now and I wasn’t ready to give up yet. Then it hit me I never interviewed the kids. And that’s when my big break through happened; the kids explained to me that their parents were rarely happy with each other. They never went out as a couple, never even held hands. They probably the worst couple anyone has ever seen. That’s when I knew I had to go back and interview Julia. I was there like a mad man, drilling here over and over. Trying to break her. I finally did, and what made her break was I made her think of the kids. And what she did to them, that’s when I brought her to court. There is when she gave a full in confession of what she did and why she did it. I was glad the biggest case of my life and I cracked it.
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